Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Going Back in Time

Life has been busy.  Our store, Bella Tratta is growing and taking up so much of my mind, my heart, and my soul.  During the past week I have been doing some soul searching.  Wondering where I went to?  It seems that Bella Tratta has swallowed me up and buried me under a pile of flowers, bills, emails, tax reports, flowers, facebook posts, more flowers, more bills and on and on and on.   So, I'm digging out.  Getting back to what it is I really love:  Family and Home!  No, I'm not closing my store!  It is a very important family business and I will continue to devote my energies to it and believe that God is going to bless it.  I just miss blogging.  For me.  No matter who ever reads this, I'm going to blog!  Honestly, I couldn't even remember how to get in to my Mamsie's House BlogSpot account.  So, after many password resets, here I am.
Now let's jump back in time a bit.  In 2011 we were enjoying a new endeavor with the store, life with two daughters still at home, and two precious grandchildren.  And then there were two more!  December 17, 2011 was the day we went from two to FOUR grandchildren in one day!  Twins!  Berkley Beth and Harper Kate Stribling came in to this wonderful world together.  This post is titled Going Back in Time because needless to say, some time has passed since I blogged.  These precious gems are 3 years old now!  They are fascinating to say the least.  Beautiful, smart, precocious, rowdy, sweet, heart-melting gifts from God. 

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