Today my honey turns 46! I am so thankful for this man. He is the life of my party! Koy is a wonderful father. His kids think he hung the moon! Whenever he's around, the kids are always laughing. He is also the most loyal friend. This guy has so many friends, even when we go on vacation we run into someone he knows! And about golf! Koy's a scratch golfer. (If you don't know what that means, it means he's REAL good.) I am happy that he has a hobby he enjoys so much. He also supports my interests. He's even been known to get up early on a Saturday morning and go garage-saling with me! What woman could ask for more?! Anyway, have a perfect day Big Daddy!
(To fully enjoy this post, listen to "Happy Birthday" on the playlist belowl )
ReplyDeleteSorry I got this a day late. I think he's a pretty awesome dude too! I look forward to our "Ranch" trip every year just so I can go listen to Koy be Koy for 3-4 days. I've been going or 10-12-14yrs(?) and I haven't pointed a gun at a deer yet. It's coming up next week and I can't wait. Don't tell him (because it sounds kinda girly), but I think he's probably the funniest guy I know too!
Now that I know his birthday, I put it on my calendar.
Bryan Tripp