This little arrangement is on an entry table in my home. I walk by it many times a day and it reminds me, simply, to pray. I know I shouldn't need a reminder, but I do! It is so easy to get caught up in the things that need to be done around the house: laundry, picking up, cooking, cleaning, playing (YES, playing is important!), making sure the kids do the things they're supposed to......and on and on! So when I walk by this sign, and see those four little eggs in the nest, which remind me of my four most precious blessings, my children, I am reminded that prayer is what has gotten us all through so many ups and downs. Prayer is what connects me to God through my savior Jesus Christ, and prayer is what will keep me and mine throughout the coming year. So, if any of you are deciding upon a new year's resolution, make it simple: Prayer. That ought to help with everything!
Perfect advice! You are awesome!