Monday, November 28, 2011

What's It All About?

I love this time of year! Decorating for the season has always been a passion of mine. My children have expressed to me in several ways how they like the house "transformed" for Christmas. That makes my heart smile. I'm glad that they recognize my efforts and appreciate what I do to make this time of year extra special in our home. But what really makes my heart glad is the knowledge that they know the reason behind all the decorations! They know of Christ's sacrifice for each and every one of us. They know He was born the Son of God to die for our sins. That is what Christmas IS and for that, I am thankful. My children are all Believers!

That being said, I was very upset to see what a decorator did when doing a home on an HGTV holiday special. The family was a mix of Jewish and Christian faiths. I do not have a problem with that. It is the family's choice, however difficult it may be, and I respect the rights of others to believe as they choose. What upset me was the designer's choice to BLEND Hannukah and Christmas! She even named it "Chanamus" and put a huge "Merry Chanamus" sign out on the lawn. When I saw this I wondered how many other such families might sadly do the same thing. I wondered if the decorator had put much thought into what she might be causing to happen. She totally took the Christ out of Christmas and at the same time, dilluted the meaning of Hannukah for the Jewish members of the family. I wouldn't have stood for it! I will not be made to say "Season's Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" and I certainly won't allow my traditions be melded with those of other religions. We as Christians cannot allow our holiday beliefs and traditions to become one morphed, dilluted, politically correct falsity.

I am not one to be easily offended and speak about it, but this really got to me! At this time of year my store and my home are full of Christmas decorations because that is what I believe in. It is what my parents and grandparents taught me as a child and I still choose to believe this way. It is what makes me feel whole. Now more than ever, it is important for me to pass down traditions and make sure my children and grandchildren know what these traditions are all about. "Merry Christmas" cannot become a thing of the past! And certainly, there is no such thing as Chanamus!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome to Bella Tratta!

Well, to say I've been too busy to blog is an understatement! Beginning in January of this year, God started stearing Koy and me in a new direction. Many, many heart-to-hearts and much prayer led us to where we are now. No more school teaching for me. I spend my days peacefully in my own shop now. We opened Bella Tratta on the 6th of August. (Six is Koy's lucky number! ) Since I'm catching up with my blog, I am showing you what the store looked like on opening day.

Most of our jewelry was made by a friend of mine. The wall, on the other hand, was a family affair! Koy, Tyler and Trevor measured and chalk-lined our harlequin pattern. Natalie and I outlined and painted in the diamonds. Callie and Aunt Stevie helped too! We are always getting complements on this wall, but we don't ever want to do another one!

Here is a shot looking out the front bay windows. I have always loved these windows! Little did I know that one day I would have a shop in here. God knew though. The floor is stained concrete which we all love.

" Welcome to Bella Tratta!" said Presley, one day as she walked in and spread her little arms wide. This photo was taken just inside the front door. It must have looked so big to her! I love to hear her say "Bella Tratta." She gets a flower every time she visits, because Mamsie says so. Keller likes to brag that he gets free chocolate every time he visits and he DOES! Because Mamsie says so. :)

Here are the windows I just love. And the door HAD to be aqua. I never even considered another color!

What a labor of love it's been on everyone's part. Thank you Koy, Tyler, Kara, Trevor, Michelle, Natalie, Callie, Stevie, Mama Mo, Mom, Brownie, Montie Pat, and all of our supportive and loving friends and family!
Teaching was something I wanted to do. I did it and I did it well. Now, however, I spend my days more peacefully and I only hear the "F" word if I'm watching a rated R movie! Thanks again to Koy who knew that my heart and soul needed a change.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Prayers for the New Year

This little arrangement is on an entry table in my home. I walk by it many times a day and it reminds me, simply, to pray. I know I shouldn't need a reminder, but I do! It is so easy to get caught up in the things that need to be done around the house: laundry, picking up, cooking, cleaning, playing (YES, playing is important!), making sure the kids do the things they're supposed to......and on and on! So when I walk by this sign, and see those four little eggs in the nest, which remind me of my four most precious blessings, my children, I am reminded that prayer is what has gotten us all through so many ups and downs. Prayer is what connects me to God through my savior Jesus Christ, and prayer is what will keep me and mine throughout the coming year. So, if any of you are deciding upon a new year's resolution, make it simple: Prayer. That ought to help with everything!